7 Reasons Roman Reigns is the Best WWE Champion in History

Haters will loathe, however you need to give credit where it’s expected. Roman Reigns has outperformed Cena and Hogan.
With regards to title holders, the WWE has an incredible and storied history.
Some time before the Rock n Wrestling association changed the plan of action of master wrestling everlastingly. There was an association called the WWWF, or World Wide Wrestling Federation. Despite the fact that at one time it was an individual from the National Wrestling Alliance. It likewise worked for a considerable length of time under its own protection.
When you discuss WWWF champions, the man who comes most to mind is presumably Bob Backlund. The previous novice wrestling champion had quality, stamina, and nearness that served him well as victor.
However, Backlund could accomplish something other than hook. He was additionally a savage brawler who could more than hold his very own if the match deteriorated into a drool knocker. His five-year title rule kept going 2,135 days, amid which time he held off legends like Jimmy Snuka and Ken Patera.
After the WWWF dropped a letter and turned out to be essentially the WWF, the boss was Hulk Hogan. While Hogan didn’t have Backlund’s novice foundation or specialized aptitudes. He was an extraordinary talker and a significant number of the best wrestling minutes from the 1980s include him in some frame or mold.
